Is the environment where you live is important for you and are you trying to protect nature? Do you prefer eco-friendly products and try to extend it to all areas of your life? Even during your period? No? Well, then it is time to think about it because it is estimated that a healthy woman uses about 11,000 pads or tampons during her lifetime. Shocking, right?
Fortunately, there are already some eco-friendly solutions. Here are some of them.
Organic Pads or Tampons

Probably the easiest way to take the first step towards the green period products is to get some organic pads or tampons. These products are very similar to the ones that you got used to, the difference is that they are made of highly absorbent organic cotton and do not contain any plastic.
Cloth Pads

You can buy them mostly online, available in different colors and sizes. According to the user feedbacks they are really soft and comfortable and not irritating the skin at all. The issue with this can be the cleaning. If you are out of your home for the whole day, you need to carry the used ones with you in a washable plastic bag until you can wash and dry them. There are hygienic and odorless variations out there, luckily.
Menstrual Cups

Honestly, when menstrual cups first appeared, as the ultimate eco-friendly intimate product most of us were shocked and even disgusted to use such a thing. Then, with time, more and more women gave it a chance and the situation, and their opinion has changed completely. More and more of these products are sold every year worldwide.
You can choose from a variety of sizes and options whether you gave birth to a baby vaginally or not. Its cost is about $30 and can be used for 10 years on average. So if you are open to this type of solution you can save not only nature but money too.